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Our aim is to maximise our learners potential in Education and prepare them for Further Education & Employment
'Inspire, Transform, Excel and Succeed'

Our Behaviours, Vision & Values

Protecting the Health and Wellbeing of Individuals

High Aspirations and Striving to Achieve

New Directions in Learning

We are a Pupil Referral Unit offering educational provision to students from Year 7 to Year 11 who are at risk of permanent exclusion, have been permanently excluded or have Special Educational Needs that we can meet the needs of. We offer a turnaround provision for dual registered students in key stage 3 and 4 for children who are at risk of exclusion as well as a permanent place of education for students who are unable to access mainstream school. We offer a timetable that consists of core and vocational provision. We are a Trauma Informed and Therapeutic Thinking School. 

Assessing students 

We conduct baseline assessments for all new students in order to identify any additional learning needs that may require support.
Teachers monitor and assess student progress using information to respond to individual needs. Termly assessments, Team Around the Child meetings and action planning meetings help to assess the progress our students are making.
Compass Learning Centre aims to meet the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) of all our students as defined in our SEN policy. If you are concerned about your child’s learning or progress, you can contact the SENCo directly.

Informing parents and carers 

The Engagement team, Teachers and TA's will make contact with home to discuss progress, achievement and any behaviour issues.
Those families who have family outreach support will also have regular contact with their key worker.
We welcome contact from parents and carers who have any concerns about their child and members of staff can offer advice on how to support your child at home.
Assessment reports are sent home at the end of each term. 
We also hold reviews for each student with all relevant professionals involved. 

Updates on progress 

As well as phone contact, we have a number of opportunities for parents and carers to come into school to discuss progress or any concerns throughout the year. We hold an annual parents evening where parents and carers can come into school to view their child’s work, and discuss curriculum progress with teachers.
If we have any serious concerns about your child’s progress, you will be contacted by the relevant teacher or by the SENCo. 


Although we are not required to follow the National Curriculum, we do where possible in order to support transition back into mainstream schools. We offer a variety of GCSEs, BTEC and vocational courses for Key Stage 4. We also use a range of quality alternative provision to deliver vocational qualifications for our key stage 4 students on individualised programmes. 


Adapting for child needs 

A broad and balanced curriculum is offered across all the Key Stages, with a flexible and tailored approach for many of our students. Within the school we have additional SEN provision and intervention, these are for children who already have an EHCP or are going through assessments. 

Teacher flexibility reflecting student needs 

We have a number of TA's working across the key stages, all are trained in SEND and have a number of specialisms. Our TA's work closely with teachers to ensure full 'adaptive teaching methods' of lessons so students can access and complete work independently. In addition, external agencies regularly deliver staff training, to ensure staff are making appropriate and reasonable adjustments to maximize the learning of all students. 

Additional support 

The first stage of support for all students is through high quality teaching and the use of 'adaptive teaching' strategies within the classroom. We provide targeted interventions to support a student’s needs, this may include seeking assessment, advice and guidance from other professionals such as speech and language therapists.
Targeted support at Compass Learning Centre includes: 

  • Educational Psychologist 

  • Speech and Language Support 

  • Horse course 

  • ELSA 

  • Family Outreach support such as parenting workshops

  • Social Skills groups 

  • Small targeted group support for vulnerable students 

Provide opportunity for all pupils to experience success

  • Adapting lessons, whilst maintaining high expectations for all, so that all pupils have the opportunity to meet expectations.

  • Balancing input of new content so that pupils master important concepts.

  • Making effective use of teaching assistants

Access to exams 

Access arrangements are special arrangements to ensure a student is not disadvantaged in an exam. In order to be eligible for access arrangements there needs to be a clear history of need which can be evidenced. Access arrangements are in line and compliant with JCQ regulations.
If we feel it is necessary, we will seek access arrangements to ensure your child is given fair access to all external examinations and assessments. 

Comfort, safety and socialising 

Compass Learning Centre has a strong ethos of pastoral care which we feel is highlighted through our school systems and engagement team. We have a high staff to student ratio and our ethos is built in forging strong relationships between staff and students so they feel they can be open if they do not feel comfortable or safe whilst at school.


We take a strong stance against bullying. This is fully covered in our Relational Practice Policy. Wherever possible we use a Restorative Justice approach to resolve any bullying issues but will also use our consequences and if necessary involve the School Support and Community Team through the police. This would be coordinated by the Anti Bullying staff member.

Accessing lessons 

Our students are all baseline tested on entry and all lessons are differentiated accordingly. All SEND needs are taken into account in the planning and delivery of our lessons. 

Who we work with 

Compass works with a number of agencies from the education, health and social care and community including:
• Educational Psychology Services
• Occupational Therapy
• Health services
• Youth Justice System
• SEND Team
• Social Care
• Attendance services
• Police / Safer Neighbourhood Team and school liaison officers
• Early Help team


Informing parents and carers 

Parents and carers are kept informed and consent is sort in most cases before a referral is made to an external service. 

Helping your child settle with confidence 

The Engagement team, SLT, Teachers and TA's will support your child in settling into the school and their transition between year groups and key stages. 

Extended School Day 

We offer twilight lessons to all students to help them achieve to the best of their ability, or engage in enrichment activities supported by school staff. 

Compass Plus

In October 2024 we set up our own satellite centre offering provision for 15 students based offsite in a therapeutic environment. Please click the tab below for more information. 

'The school is forward-looking and is continuously seeking ways to improve. Your vision for the school is clear and, together with your deputy headteacher and staff, you are working fastidiously to bring this vision to life' 

   'The Compass is a welcoming and caring school community. Inspectors were struck by how everything that staff do is focussed upon meeting the needs of pupils. Relationships within the school are impressive. Staff know each and every pupil extremely well.' 

                                                                                                                    Ofsted May 2019

—  Name, Title

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