Headteacher's Welcome
Compass has high aspirations for all children and young people identified as having SEND in our school. We strive to ensure that all children and young people achieve their best, that they become confident individuals living fulfilling lives, and make a successful transition into adulthood, whether into employment, further or higher education or training. Compass is an inclusive Learning Centre and we focus on the right outcome for each individual student. As a staff we are aspirational for our students and want them to meet or exceed their expectations. We encourage all students, irrespective of their SEND, to be aspirational about their future both in academic and social term.
The Headteacher has overall responsibility for Special Educational Needs and Disability in Compass.
SEN Co-ordinator
Becky Hubbard, Assistant Headteacher, is the designated teacher responsible for coordinating SEND provision for children/young people.
Looked After Children
Mark Fisher, Deputy Headteacher, is the deisignated teacher for looked after children/young people.
The Governing body will exercise their duty and have regard to the Children and Families Act 2014 and the Equality Act 2010. This will include ensuring that Compass’ arrangements supporting disability and medical conditions, equality, school and SEND information pertinent to the SEND Policy are published. This will be achieved through regular Governing Body meetings.
Currently every young person/child at Compass has a keyworker. This person will develop and maintain close links with the family and will be the key person to make initial contact and to share information with families and agencies. The SLT will further support mentors by attending meetings (LAC, TAF, CiN etc) and putting in place strategies and interventions that address the SEND of individual students. The SENDCO will prepare for and attend Transfer, Annual and Early Annual Reviews and will be the link person between Compass and SEND at County Level.
Admission Arrangements
Compass uses the local authority arrangement for School Admissions. The agreement is mindful of national requirements supporting all young people / children, including those who are disabled, in a fair and non-discriminatory way, when securing admission to school. In addition to this Compass makes appropriate reasonable adjustments to accommodate those who are disabled. Where adaptations are required to support physical or medical needs, Compass liaises with the local authority, health services and parents / carers to ensure that appropriate arrangements are made to meet individual medical conditions. More information can be found by clicking on the link below which will take you to information held on the local authority’s website.
SEND Policy
You can view our current SEND policy in the policy section of the website
You view more of our school policies, including our Accessibility Plan and Supporting Children with Medical Conditions policy by clicking here.
Our latest SEN information report can be seen by clicking on the button below.
It is hoped that all situations of concern can be resolved quickly through discussion and early action. However, if a parent / carer feel that their concern or complaint regarding the care or welfare of their child has not been dealt with satisfactorily, an appointment can be made by them to speak and explain the issues to the SENDCO and / or Headteacher.
Compass publishes its Complaint’s Policy on the school website.
Specific complaints or questions regarding SEND can be directed to our SENDCO Becky Hubbard
Should you still need further support and/or clarification you may contact SEND Planning Co-ordinators on
01305 224888.