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About Us: Inner_about

'The school’s expectations of pupils’ academic and wider development are high'

'students settle in well because of the well-embedded nurturing and respectful culture. Through their positive interactions with each other, staff inspire pupils to replicate this culture'

                                                                                                             Ofsted November 2024

Our Mission

To educate through empowering our students to develop the skills, attitudes and courage to succeed in life.



We recognise our learners uniqueness and their potential for success, by advancing through high quality curriculum pathways leading to achievement, accreditation enabling progress to next steps in life.


Our Staff

Compass has a full team of experienced staff. The school benefits from a strong Management Committee with a range of skills to support staff, parents and students.



Our Students

The majority of our students are in KS4 with most being taught on site. A small number of KS3 pupils are on the Compass roll. In addition, Compass provides lessons at several locations in the area and uses Third Party Providers for some specialist provision.

Students at Compass make good progress and achieve good outcomes at KS4. 


Compass has been graded ‘GOOD’ in the last three Ofsted inspections.

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