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Headteacher's Welcome

At Compass we keep learning at the heart of our work. We offer learning opportunities for students aged from 11 to 16 from the Dorset area who find themselves outside mainstream education either on a permanent or temporary basis.


The Compass curriculum covers the core subject areas – English, Math’s and Science, as well as Art, P.E., Geography and PSHE. We also cover vocational subject teaching, often in partnership with other providers  leading to further registered qualifications. We also offer enrichment sessions and activities that range from Sports, Outdoor Education, Cookery and Esports.














Our Students can receive extra support and guidance (counselling and CBT cognitive behaviour therapy) and learn important life skills.


Students who enter years 10 and 11 can be entered for GCSE/ vocational subjects and we also consider using Entry-Level qualifications if more appropriate.


Working with our students, we are fortunate to have a well experienced group of staff who can offer support and guidance for your son/daughter.


I hope from visiting our website it gives you a flavour of what life is like at Compass and if you would like to speak to me about anything relating to the school or your son/daughter, please don’t hesitate to contact me via the school office or the contact form below.


With Best Regards



Alison Glazier 


Often we are a second chance for students experiencing difficulty at the point a mainstream placement breaks down.

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