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Education in schools has changed drastically in the last two decades. These changes have transformed the role and the work of the governing boards. They now have key responsibilities for setting their school’s aims and policies, deciding how money will be spent, managing the employment of staff and the maintenance and development of the premises. Most important of all, they have an important role in the main purpose of their school – ensuring that its pupils receive the best possible education.

Effective governing boards work in close partnership with the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team in making decisions. The Headteacher, not the governing board, is responsible for the day-to-day leadership and management of the school.


How Governing Boards go About Their Work     

The governing board’s formal work and decision-making is undertaken in meetings. Their considerable workload is managed by delegating some tasks to committees or other small working groups. Committees specialise in one of a number of areas, typically curriculum, finance, personnel, premises and resources.

All governors are expected to attend meetings of the full governing board. Indeed, the fact that they are now required to give reasons for non-attendance underlines the importance of attendance. There is usually one full governing board meeting each term. Additionally, governors are expected to belong to a committee. Committee’s usually hold two meetings per term.

Any decisions that need to be made are usually proposed and seconded, but there must be a quorum – 50% of the current numbers of governors on the governing board for a full governing board meetings and three governors for a committee meeting.

Membership of a Governing Body

The number of governors is agreed with the Local Authority and at the moment stands at 10. The precise make-up of the governing board is determined by the type of school, Compass governors are listed below. Governors are usually elected or appointed for four years and can apply to be re-elected or reappointed.

If you are interested in becoming a governor for the school or to view minutes of governing board meetings, please contact Michelle Nokes, Clerk to the Governors, via the school office.

‘Compass Learning Centre is a Dorset Council maintained school and does not meet the threshold to publish Gender Pay Gap information in isolation.  For more details about the Dorset Council Gender Pay Gap please go to the Dorset Council website – ‘

Full Governors   

Caroline Peer

Co- Chair of Governors

Chair of Governors

How Appointed: Governing Board

Date of Appointment: 01/09/2014

Current Term Ends: 31/08/2025

Relevant Business Interests: NONE

Other Educational Establishments: NONE

Alison Glazier

Compass Headteacher


How Appointed: Ex Officio as Headteacher of Establishment

Date of Appointment: 14/07/2016

Current Term Ends: NA

Relevant Business Interests: NONE

Other Educational Establishments: NONE

Paul Knight
Parent Governor

How Appointed: Governing Board

Date of Appointment: 17/10/2018

Current Term Ends: 14/10/2026

Relevant Business Interests: Team Teach Trainer

Other Educational Establishments: None

Cate Field

Vice Chair

How Appointed: Governing Body

Date of Appointment: 03.12.2020

Current Term Ends: 03/12/2028

Relevant Business Interests: NONE

Other Educational Establishments: 

Peter Vowles

Health & Safety & Post 16

Community Governor

How Appointed: Governing Board

Date of Appointment: 14/09/2016

Current Term Ends: 14/09/2028

Relevant Business Interests: Post 16

Other Educational Establishments: Weymouth College

Steve Osborn

Co- Chair of Governors

Community Governor/ Safeguarding Governor

How Appointed: Governing Body

Date of Appointment:09/03/2016

Current Term Ends: 09/03/2027

Relevant Business Interests: NONE

Other Educational Establishments: 

Pete Lydford

Community Governor

How Appointed: Governing Body

Date of Appointment: 11/02/2021

Current Term Ends: 11/02/2029

Relevant Business Interests: NONE

Other Educational Establishments: Wey Valley Academy

Craig Holloway

Staff Governor

How Appointed: Elected by Staff

Date of Appointment: 01/01/2022

Current Term Ends: 01/01/2026

Relevant Business Interests: None

Other Educational Establishments: None


Mark Fisher

Compass Deputy Headteacher

Deputy Headteacher

Date of Appointment: 01/09/2015

Current Term Ends: N/A

Lisa Cracknell

Compass School Business Manager

School Business Manager

Date of Appointment: 01/09/2024

Current Term Ends: N/A

Clerk to Governors

Michelle Nokes

Compass Learning Centre

Tel: 01305 – 206530


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