Headteacher's Welcome

Reading Across the Curriculum
Reading Plan at Compass
We are part of the Chesil Literacy Project to support reading across the area, not just in school. More information can be found at www.chesilliteracy.org.uk
Compass is a Pupil Referral Unit with most of the students being referred to us as they are unable to access a traditional curriculum in a mainstream school. Reading could be one of the barriers to learning and being able to manage a mainstream school placement, potentially being disguised or masked with behaviour and avoidance tactics.
Reading is an integral part of education that opens many doors to success across the curriculum. It is important to ensure that students have the opportunity to read and develop reading skills.
Studies show that ‘good readers’ are more likely to achieve at GCSE and beyond. At Compass, we aim to develop students to become the best they can be, recognising that traditional ‘reading time’ strategies might not be the best way for everyone to improve. We have taken on board the ‘Now the whole school is reading’: supporting struggling readers in secondary school research and adopted some of this best practice to ensure the students progress as much as possible. Research indicates a positive correlation between students engagement with reading and their attainment in reading. Compass place significant emphasis on developing student’s attainment in reading during the time they are with us, due to a well planned and mapped curriculum with reading as a’ thread’ throughout all curriculum areas. All staff have a clear and strong awareness of the importance of disciplinary literacy and how this unlocks learning for all pupils to be able to access the curriculum.
We aim to develop students to read for pleasure and not just in school.
We aim for students to have the best outcomes from Compass and be able to follow their desired pathway in life.
Appropriate staff are upskilled in phonics training and other interventions that will further support students.
We see reading as an opportunity to add more than just knowledge; there is a huge potential in discussions around reading material to add cultural capital.
What does it look like at Compass? (Implement)
We use a variety of methods and resources to promote reading in school at least 4 formal times a week. We use a 10 minute session before break time to promote reading for pleasure and encourage students to read a material of their choice and they have an interest in.
Each member of staff promotes ‘what I am reading’ via a poster that is updated as and when books are completed. These are displayed in areas that those staff are based in and are used to promote conversation around interests in different types of book. This is also promoted in the main corridor to capture the students attention and curiosity.
Keywords from teachers planning are displayed in teaching spaces and changed each term or topic.
Reading posters are displayed in teaching spaces to promote the love of reading for pleasure and explores the different types of text that exist.
The school community engages in discussion about what they are reading or associated themes to ensure more than just a task.
Reading is always rewarded and students can achieve additional points each time that they make the most of a reading opportunity. This can enhance their enrichment opportunities in school. We are also exploring what other incentives can be put in place to support he programme. Opportunities not taken by the students are never penalised.
Reading resources are available in all teaching spaces. We have recently linked with our local library provision to enhance these resources further.
Students each have a ‘reading logbook’ that records the book they are reading, the dates they have read and which page they are up to each time. At the end of each book the student gives a short review of what they thought of the book.
Reading opportunities in lessons
All teachers make the most of reading opportunities in lesson and encourage students to read independently and out loud where possible. Teachers also role model reading to the class. All subjects have a degree of reading within them, this supports the reading of different text type, comprehension of what is being read in order to support breaking down texts and understanding them. Students will need to be able to do independently during examinations.
What else would you see at Compass?
The SEN team will be trained in specific literacy interventions and students may be identified to attend targeted workshops or interventions to support them in a 1:1 or group environment. This will be based on assessments completed upon entry to Compass. These interventions are tracked to show progress and impact. An example of one intervention used is Read, Write, Inc which is used to support students who need it.
A group of staff have been trained in ELKLAN which is an intervention to support Speech, Language and Communication which also links directly to supporting students and can further support reading opportunities.
What we aim to achieve (Impact)
We aim to have students who have progressed in their reading skills and now enjoy reading for pleasure.
Students who are able to access our curriculum effectively.
Students who can access and achieve in GCSE exams.
Students who can read and write for sustained periods of time.
Students who have a greater awareness of the world around them and how they fit into the modern UK.