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Pupil Premium

What is Pupil Premium?

The Government provide funding for disadvantaged students; that is, students who are in receipt of free school meals, or Looked After Children (LAC) who have been looked after by the Local Authority continuously for more than six months or children of Service Personnel. These groups have been identified because research shows that nationally, students in these categories do significantly less well than other similar students so the funding is designed to bridge the gap. 


This additional funding is called the Pupil Premium and is ring fenced from the Learning Centre’s general budget as a separate budget allocated on the basis of the number of students who qualify for Pupil Premium assistance. For all such students, the Learning Centre receives income. The Government has asked every school to make it clear where this money is being spent and the impact it is having on young people eligible for the grant. This is our Pupil Premium Guarantee.


This guarantee will use the grant to enhance and extend our current provision.





Pupil Premium 


This guarantee will use the Pupil Premium to enhance and extend our current provision to make sure that students, whose parents or carers are on lower incomes, are not disadvantaged in any way. 


For every qualifying student we will;


Provide access, where appropriate, to vocational learning courses and individualised timetables


Provide access, where required, to 1:1 support or small group work for English and/or Maths


Provide access to a careers adviser for advice and guidance from year 10 to year 11


Provide access to interventions such as academic tutoring and mentoring


Carefully consider requests for equipment, trips and activities 

Headteacher Message

 Our pupil premium strategy focusses on supporting disadvantaged pupils to achieve their educational outcomes, including progress for those who can attain at the higher levels. The activities we have outlined in our statement are intended to support their needs, and the needs of all our students, regardless of whether they are disadvantaged or not.  

Our intention is that all pupils, irrespective of their background or the challenges they face, make good progress and achieve improved outcomes.  

Our intention is to help our students overcome their barriers to learning and be happy and successful at The Compass Centre so that they can have success in their future careers and lives. At the heart of our approach is high-quality teaching. This is proven to have the greatest impact on closing the disadvantage attainment gap and at the same time will benefit the non-disadvantaged pupils in our school.  

Implicit in the intended outcomes detailed, is the intention that non-disadvantaged pupils’ attainment will be sustained and improved alongside progress for their disadvantaged peers:  

· We ensure that teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of all our pupils  

· We ensure that appropriate provision is made for pupils who belong to vulnerable groups, this includes ensuring that the needs of socially disadvantaged pupils are adequately assessed and addressed  

· We will ensure that all teaching staff are involved in the analysis of data and identification of pupils, so that they are fully aware of strengths and weaknesses across the school.


Whilst the primary function of the school is to provide education, it must also focus on alleviating or removing the barriers to learning that our young people experience in their homes or local community. Experience tells us that what makes a difference to the lives of the most disadvantaged learners is passionate, committed people working with them.  

Our strategy is also integral to wider school plans for education recovery. Our approach will be responsive to common challenges and individual needs, rooted in robust diagnostic assessment, not assumptions about the impact of disadvantage. The approaches we have adopted complement each other to help pupils achieve. To ensure they are effective we will:

· ensure disadvantaged pupils are challenged in the work that they’re set 

· act early to intervene at the point need is identified  

· adopt a whole school approach in which all staff take responsibility for all students outcomes and raise expectations of what they can achieve 


The School Leadership Team and Management Committee monitor the impact of all spending and interventions, including the Pupil Premium.

If you feel you could be eligible for free school meals, it is very simple to apply and takes moments to do and as well as all the benefits listed above, your child will receive over £400 worth of lunches available from Creative Kitchen.

Apply now using the link below. You will be told immediately if you are eligible and the next steps in the process. We are not allowed to act on behalf of the parent or carer – it has to be done by you.

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