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Teacher Responsibilities

Make Lessons Personable

Through carefully planned, well structured (phased) and paced lessons


By making objectives and outcomes explicit to learners at the beginning of each lesson, task or topic (see department mid-term plans) and involving learners actively in their evaluation of learning achievement (not just a passive process)


By ensuring learners are aware of the success criteria for each lesson


Through explicitly checking understanding and reviewing work covered in each task or topic


By delivering mid-term plans which incorporate spiritual, moral and cultural elements to department deadlines

Make Lessons Interesting

By starting lessons on time and avoiding dead minutes at the end


By consciously showing enthusiasm and positivism for and about their subject and learning


By devising imaginative/creative approaches to the development of knowledge and skills


By varying teaching styles (Tactile, Olfactory, Visual, Auditory and Kinaesthetic), learning activities and the learning environment to maintain learners’ interest and take account of learning styles


By structuring lessons in a minimum of three parts (Starter, Learning Episodes, Plenary)


By incorporating Online tasks into their teaching


By using praise and positive reinforcement to foster self-esteem, motivation and confidence


By regularly displaying examples of learners’ work and other relevant stimuli


By encouraging learners to demonstrate their skills through formal presentations, drama, debate and role play

Using ICT and multimedia presentation when and wherever appropriate to enhance the learning experience and outcome

Create a Learning Environment

By matching teaching style to lesson objectives and group dynamic


By organising physical resources in ways which will promote orderly classroom management


By being consistent about classroom procedures and The Compass Behaviour Expectations that have been agreed by the whole staff


By keeping up to date and accurate records in mark books/SIMS and submitting assessment data for reporting in line with the published deadlines


By being flexible enough to adapt their lesson plan to take account of learners’ contributions and the mood of the group


By setting and achieving high standards of behaviour and motivation

Match Learning Activities

By using evidence of prior attainment to gauge learners’ individual capabilities


By using information on individual’s preferred learning styles


By testing understanding and acquisition of knowledge through a variety of means


By using appropriately differentiated materials and tasks which ensure learners’ active participation in lessons, for the most able learners as well as for those with SEN


By working proactively with Learning Support Professionals


By setting high expectations for all learners, rewarding achievements with praise and points in line with the behaviour policy


By using strategies suggested by learners’ Individual Education Plans​

Teachers will make their lessons purposeful

  • Through carefully planned, well structured (phased) and paced lessons

  • By making objectives and outcomes explicit to learners at the beginning of each lesson, task or topic (see department mid-term plans) and involving learners actively in their evaluation of learning achievement (not just a passive process)

  • By ensuring learners are aware of the success criteria for each lesson

  • Through explicitly checking understanding and reviewing work covered in each task or topic

  • By delivering mid-term plans which incorporate spiritual, moral and cultural elements to department deadlines

Teachers will make their lessons interesting & stimulating

  • By starting lessons on time and avoiding dead minutes at the end

  • By consciously showing enthusiasm and positivity for and about their subject and learning

  • By devising imaginative/creative approaches to the development of knowledge and skills

  • By varying teaching styles (Tactile, Olfactory, Visual, Auditory and Kinaesthetic), learning activities and the learning environment to maintain learners’ interest and take account of learning styles

  • By structuring lessons in a minimum of three parts (Starter, Learning Episodes, Plenary)

  • By incorporating Online tasks into their teaching

  • By using praise and positive reinforcement to foster self-esteem, motivation and confidence

  • By regularly displaying examples of learners’ work and other relevant stimuli

  • By encouraging learners to demonstrate their skills through formal presentations, drama, debate and role play

  • Using ICT and multimedia presentation when and wherever appropriate to enhance the learning experience and outcome

Develop Positive Relationships

Through confident and assured command of subject matter which is regularly updated.


Through appropriate professional development, observations, discussions, and CPD


By being clear with instructions, questions and explanations


By understanding and promoting the value of focused discussion and setting ground rules for speaking and listening


By fostering mutual respect, both learner to student, teacher to learner and teacher to parent


Through actively promoting equal opportunities through the teaching and learning process


By encouraging parents to support learners’ learning


By responding to all potential academic and pastoral concerns within 48 hours and making sure that appropriate follow-up is maintained.


By ensuring learners are prepared to complete GCSE controlled assessments/coursework by the agreed deadline (see school calendar)

Supporting learners by holding after school study sessions

Use Formative & Summative Assessment

By using a variety of formative in-class assessment, which relates to the subject area


By marking consistently and positively in line with the Compass Marking policy and departmental guidelines


By giving regular feedback, either through marking of work or verbally, to learners about their work and setting them achievable “SMART” targets


By encouraging self-assessment and peer assessment in the drive to strive for improvement


By encouraging and trusting learners to take responsibility for their own learning e.g. through guided study, self-assessment and small scale opportunities for them to teach the rest of a class


By checking progress against potential by critically using benchmark data


By statistically analysing individuals and whole class performance in relation to the provided benchmark data

Create Opportunities

All teachers have a responsibility to promote the school’s code of conduct and values with consistency (see relevant policies)


The school’s Behaviour Policy should be promoted in all lessons around the school and when learners are representing the school on trips and visits


Extra-curricular activities should be open and encourage all learners who wish to attend


All teachers should encourage and support learners to develop an interest in the subject outside of the classroom


Each classroom will be equipped with appropriate curriculum resources.


Departments will be allocated a budget based on their budget requests at the beginning of the financial year. The budget holder (Subject Leader) is responsible for the ordering of materials in line with the agreed procedures.


Learners will be taught how to use all resources correctly and safely, with care and respect, and with regard for Health and Safety and waste.


Care will be taken to ensure that resources reflect the cultural and linguistic diversity of our society, and that all learners have equality of access.

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