Dear Parents/ Carers,
We hope that you and your family are coping during this imposed school closure. We hope that the information contained below will help inform you of the support Compass will be offering during these challenging times.
Illness and Communication
Following Government guidelines if your child is unwell for any reason, please report this by contacting your child’s key worker on the details below. Alternatively, please email
Regular communication from your child’s key worker will take place each week. If you have further need for support please call or email them on the details below.
Sue- 07507 269537
Stuart- 07507 762409
Tracey- 07507 763901
Compass expects all parents and Carers to follow Government guidelines during these times regarding social contact and self isolation.
All students have work set using the online learning platform Doddle. In addition to this a physical pack of learning resources will be provided. Included in this pack will be your child’s Doddle login.
The expectation for all students is to complete work either on line or through the physical resources. This work should be returned with any unused resources on the first day of school opening.
Should your child require additional work please email the school office on the address above. Staff will endeavour to supply this as quickly as possible. We hope that you understand that there may be a slight delay due to the unusual circumstances we find ourselves operating under.
Additional resources can always be found at places such as BBC Bitesize.
Family Well-being and Support
One of our concerns with the school closure is the impact of isolation on families. Please find below a link to support with this. We would recommend that you speak to your child about this. As previously stated if you need extra support on this matter or other concerns please feel free to make contact with your child’s key worker.
If you have any concerns regarding the symptoms of coronavirus and how to manage them please seek help by using the following NHS link.
Many families, during this challenging time, could have financial worries. Below we have included all relevant food banks in Dorset and how to obtain vouchers.
Weymouth Food Bank –
Weymouth Baptist Church, 18 The Esplanade, Weymouth
Open – Tuesday & Friday between 10.30am & 12.30pm
Contact - 07531 167465
Portland Food Bank –
St John's Church Hall, Ventnor Road, Portland, DT5 1JE.
Open - Tuesday & Friday between 9.30am & 11.30am.
Portland Food bank can be contacted on their website -
Beaminster Food Bank-
Beaminster Children’s Centre, 6 Prout Street, Beaminster DT8 3AY
Open- Mondays & Fridays 10am – 12pm, Wednesdays 2pm – 4pm
Contact- 01308 861030 (Children's Centre)
Bridport Food Bank-
Cupboard Love, St Mary’s Church, 84 South Street, Bridport DT6 3NW
Open- Wednesday 11:30am - 1pm
Contact- 07443 596096
Swanage Food Bank-
Salvation Army Hall, Kings Road East, Swanage, BH19 1HN
Open- By arrangement
Contact- 07759 230313
Wareham Food Bank-
Purbeck Gateway Church, Ropers Lane, Wareham BH20 1YZ
Open- As required and will deliver
Contact- Lynn Crabb 07840 408475
Vouchers to obtain a food parcel are available from:
Doctors, Health Visitors, Drug and alcohol advisory offices, Soul Food, The Lantern, Housing Associations and others.
Vouchers are also available on Portland from the Portland Centre (CAB), Island Community Action (ICA) and Outlooks (Action for Children).
Vouchers cover enough food for three meals a day for three days per person.
External Agency Support
For those families that already receive support from social workers or Family Partnership Zone workers, if you need further help and support you can call the allocated workers direct or call the main office numbers below.
Weymouth Social Care: 01305 760139
Chesil Family Partnership Zone: 01305 225750
Dorchester Social Care: 01305 221450
Dorchester Family Partnership Zone: 01305 221348
Purbeck Social Care: 01929 553556
Purbeck Family Partnership Zone: 01305 225729
We hope that as a school we can support everyone through this difficult time. We thank you for your continued support.
Yours sincerely,
The Compass Team